Mystery Message Game | Music Game (Digital Print)

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Mystery Message Game | Music Game (Digital Print)

Format: PDF/Digital Print

Pages: 6

Product Description

Mystery Message Game is "Hangman" with a twist. Music students compare and contrast rhythm/pitch sets and decode a secret message in a race to win the game. Always a hit!

Students listen high/low pitch combinations and then check the Mystery Message Game sheet to figure out what letter it is. If they guess the word before everyone else they win.

Two answer sheets are provided:
1) A prepared answer sheet with five words for students to guess
2) A blank worksheet to allow teachers to choose the words.

These worksheets and game are designed to fulfill Standard #6 of the National Standards for Music: Listening to, analyzing, and describing music.


Mystery Message Game Lesson Plan
Mystery Message Game Sheet
2 Answer Sheets


This is a great game! I used this with my private music students during National Music Week. Everyone used it, even kids who hadn't learned to read much notation yet. They got the concept quickly. I made it go more quickly by telling them ahead of time which column or row the answer would come from, but if that was too easy for them I quit giving them hints. We invited some parents in to play it with us and students and parents competed against each other. Lots of fun! They didn't want to stop playing it! - Jennifer W.

My students love this! - Jillian W.

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Unlimited copies for you and your students. However, you may not distribute additional copies to friends and fellow teachers.