Tommy Snooks | Mother Goose Nursery Rhyme

from the MMF Songbook

Tommy Snooks is a Mother Goose nursery rhyme.

Lyrics for 'Tommy Snooks'

Tommy Snooks and Betsy Brooks
Went walking out on Sunday.
Said Tommy Snooks to Betsy Brooks,
"Tomorrow will be Monday."

Activity for 'Tommy Snooks'

Students sit in a circle. Choose two children to play the part of Tommy Snooks, and two children to play the part of Betsy Brooks. Tommy bows to Betsy when the children sing his name. Betsy curtsies to Tommy when the children sing her name. Tommy takes Betsy's hand and walks around the outside of the circle. Tommy turns to Betsy to exclaim (hands/palms up), "Tomorrow will be Monday."

The students get a big kick out of it if you play one of the parts, taking their hand, acting silly and walking at a fast pace during the phrase, "Went walking out on Sunday."

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