Jennie Jenkins | Lyrics

from the MMF Songbook

Lyrics for 'Jennie Jenkins'

Will you wear white, oh my dear, oh my dear?
Will you wear white, Jennie Jenkins?
No, I won't wear white for the color's too bright.
I'll buy me a fol-de-rol-dy, til-de-tol-dy,
Seek-a-double, use-a-cause-a, roll-a-find-me,
Roll, Jennie Jenkins, roll.

Will you wear blue, oh my dear, oh my dear?
Will you wear blue, Jennie Jenkins?
No, I won't wear blue 'cause blue won't do.
I'll buy me a fol-de-rol-dy, til-de-tol-dy,
Seek-a-double, use-a-cause-a, roll-a-find-me,
Roll, Jennie Jenkins, roll.

Will you wear red, oh my dear, oh my dear?
Will you wear red, Jennie Jenkins?
No, I won't wear red, it's the color of my head.
I'll buy me a fol-de-rol-dy, til-de-tol-dy,
Seek-a-double, use-a-cause-a, roll-a-find-me,
Roll, Jennie Jenkins, roll.

Will you wear pink, oh my dear, oh my dear?
Will you wear pink, Jennie Jenkins?
No, I won't wear pink, I'd rather drink ink.
I'll buy me a fol-de-rol-dy, til-de-tol-dy,
Seek-a-double, use-a-cause-a, roll-a-find-me,
Roll, Jennie Jenkins, roll.

Will you wear green, oh my dear, oh my dear?
Will you wear green, Jennie Jenkins?
No, I won't wear green, it's the color of a bean.
I'll buy me a fol-de-rol-dy, til-de-tol-dy,
Seek-a-double, use-a-cause-a, roll-a-find-me,
Roll, Jennie Jenkins, roll.

Will you wear rose, oh my dear, oh my dear?
Will you wear rose, Jennie Jenkins?
No, I won't wear rose, it's the color of my nose.
I'll buy me a fol-de-rol-dy, til-de-tol-dy,
Seek-a-double, use-a-cause-a, roll-a-find-me,
Roll, Jennie Jenkins, roll.

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