A Was an Apple Pie | Mother Goose Nursery Rhyme

from the MMF Songbook

A Was an Apple Pie is a Mother Goose nursery rhyme.

Lyrics for 'A Was an Apple Pie'

A was an Apple pie,
B bit it,
C cut it,
D dealt it,
E eat it,

F fought for it,
G got it,
H had it,
I inspected it,

J jumped for it,
K kept it,
L longed for it,
M mourned for it,

N nodded at it,
O opened it,
P peeked in it,
Q quartered it,

R ran for it,
S stole it,
T took it,
U upset it,

V viewed it,
W wanted it,
X, Y, Z,
All wished for a piece in hand.

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